Judicial Ethics: a Study in Applied Philosophy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Philosophy, Kuwait University

2 Philosophy Department, Kuwait University


This paper deals with one of the most important topics related to ensuring the application of justice in society, the type of justice for which judges and public prosecution officers are responsible. This paper aims to clarify and analyzes the theoretical, ethical values that are used by the judicial system: it first, analyzes the nature of these values, and second, it answers many familiar questions related to the above professions in relation to these practical-ethical values.
This paper aims, then, to shed light on the great role played by the judicial system in establishing and maintaining justice in society, as well as the commitment of those in charge of it to the values of professional ethics and how these values are reflected inside and outside of their work. This paper provides also a rational explanation of the ethical rules practiced in this respective field, and compares them with other legal systems and different philosophical ideas.


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