Turks soldiers and the khawarizmian State

Document Type : Original Article


Cairo university faculty of arts


A Large number of Turkish Qiniq tribes ,descending from Qipchaks settled in the khawarizmian empire territories after the marriage of the shah Takesh from Turken khatun the daughter of one their leaders and because of direct blood relations between those tribes and turken Khatun their men recieved her utmost care and respect and shortly took over the highest positions in the state. After her men were released into all state affairs, most of them engaged in the army gathering an intolerant and powerful force to be reckoned with, especially the army leaders who derived their power and authority from their followers, and the Turkish soldiers solely obeyed their ordersthus the khawarizmian’s power was diminished in front of that military aristocracy and this was obvious in their interference in the affairs of the throne and their assassination plots for some of the khawarizmian sultans who tried to restrain them.
The personal benefits and material profits were the main reason that most of the Turkish soldiers leaders betrayed the khawarizmian sultans and corresponded with their enemies in obedience to get further gains, they were like mercenary soldiers selling their services to those who offer greater Gains. or those who helped in unleashing their plundering of the secured people. Their attacks disturbed the rulers of the neighbouring Islamic State they fought Sultan Jalal- elddin and defeated him and eliminated his call to unite their frontlines against the Mongols who swept his State for the second time and managed to seize all its territories


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