"The Trip of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University to Italy and France, 1949"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Italian Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts - Cairo University-

2 Cairo University Faculty Of Arts


The Trip of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University
to Italy and France, 1949
To mark the approaching centenary of Cairo University’s Faculty of Arts (established 1925), this study seeks to shed light on one of the educational and recreational trips organized by the Faculty to Italy and France in the summer of the academic year 1949-1950, for Faculty professors and students, at a time when travelling abroad was difficult and risky. The study is based on documents kept by the Faculty Archives and stored digitally at the Faculty’s Electronic Memory Unit. The study highlights the measures taken by the Faculty to prepare for the trip from the very first moment, as well as the letters exchanged between the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Dr. Zaki Mohamed Hassan Bey, and various Italian, French and Egyptian authorities, and the efforts made to provide the appropriate budget for the trip during the period from July 27 to September 4. The study concludes by clarifying the importance of this trip as an educational, training and cultural model adopted by the college as part of its programs to complement the theoretical component of learning and familiarize students with aspects of the European civilization which would help them identify the factors of its progress and study the traces of Arabic culture and Islamic heritage in European countries.
Key words:
Fouad I University trips, Italy and France 1949 trip, Faculty of Arts trips, educational trips, Cairo University.


Main Subjects