Translation as Acculturation, The controversy of the original text and the footnote between enforcing and understanding

Document Type : Original Article


Al Merag City behind Maadi Carrefoure- Buidling No. 5163


Is the footnote really regarded as an important strategy of translation? This study is meant to regarding the translation footnote as an available space that could present a lot of spotlights and interpretations of the translation itself, in a way that strengthens the translation readability and keeps the identity of the original text, with no interference. “Do the quality and quantity of footnotes of literary translations differ from those of the human sciences?

These questions and other more have been dealt with in 50 translated books published by the National Translation Centre in Cairo. About fifty percent of it deals with translations of human sciences, the rest are mainly various literary translations. The study, also, includes statistics of translator’s interference. Therefore, it points out the information presented in those books that reveals the purpose of the translation and whether, or not, does the translator adopt certain translation strategies. Furthermore, it reveals if the translator is keen on presenting cultural content to the targeted reader in literary translations.

The conclusion of this study shows that the footnotes of literary translations exceeded those of human sciences, in about two doubles.
The study explains this considering feature of literary contents in creative works. That’s why the footnote is essential in explaining the content and translation.


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