Prophet's praise poem Between al-Busiri and Shawqi

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts - Cairo University - Khartoum Branch


The poem of praise of the Prophet began with defense of Islam, like what is existed in the poems of Hassan bin Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him), or an apology for what happened in the pre-Islamic era, like Lamiyt Kaab bin Zuhair (may Allah be pleased with him).
In the Umayyad era, the poem of praise of the prophet was associated with the praise of the people of the house of prophet Muhammed (may Allah be pleased with them), Umayyad and Abbasid,
Praise the people of the house of prophet Muhammed continued, lamenting for Al-Hussain bin Ali (may Allah be pleased with them), and praising them
Praise continued in the Fatimid era, after collapse of the Fatimid state, Salah Al-Din kept the prophet's birthday from its feasts, which was a wonderful field for the prosperity of the poem of prophet's praise.
We stop at Al-Busairi (606 - 698 A.H) Imam of eulogizers, and the author of ''The Blessed Burda'', he influenced by poets before him and influenced those who came after him, as a teacher to all eulogizers. In the modern era, we found Ahmed Shawqi composes three poems in praise of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him salvation) one of the best wonderful poems in praise. We stopped at the uniqueness of Shawqi's skill. He influenced by Al-Busairi, and surpassed his teacher, and he recognized for his precedency and ingenuity, when Al-Busairi says in his Burda:
- Then travelled at night from one sacred place to another, just as the full moon travels through intenso darkness.
Shawqi excels in emulation, and emerges from emulation to the new distinct artistic creativity, with a great talent for visualization, vocabulary selection and sentence formation, with the magic of the captivating musical melody:
- God conveyed you by night to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where his angels and messengers stood.
With this artistic superiority, we see Shawqi's politeness with Al-Busairi, his teacher and the teacher of eulogizers:
- Eulogizers and lovers of passion are subservient, to the owner of old wild Burda.
- Allah is witness that I do not oppose him, who is opposing towards the great?

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