The Social rejection of the released after the Execution of Judicial rulings: An Anthropological Study on a Sample of Egyptian Prisons.

Document Type : Original Article


کلية الدراسات الأفريقية العليا


This study aimed to identify the repercussions of the social rejection of the released prisoners and their return to crime. This study relied on two theoretical approaches, namely, the symbolic interaction approach and the social stigma approach. An interview guide was designed for the released prisoners after their return to prison, including three aspects: the reflection of the family’s rejection of the released prisoners and their return to crime, the reflection of the comrades’ group’s rejection of the released prisoners and their return to crime, and the reflection of the society’s rejection of the released prisoners and their return to crime. The study sample consisted of 15 prisoners who were released and returned to the prisons (Al-Natrun Prison, Al-Marj Prison,Al-Qanater Prison, and Janob AL-Tahrir Prison). Results indicated that there was a fluctuation in the family members’ treatment of the prisoner between neglect, attention and contempt.There was a convergence in the prisoners’ answers, one group indicated a solidarity action by their friends as they backed them and communicated with them as much as they could.The also took care of their families and their affairs throughout their stay in prison.The second group indicated that their friends abandoned them as soon as they got in prison as they feared to be affected by their friends’ stigma as this would make them vulnerable to suspicion if they continued to interact with prisoner. Some stated interruption of the relationship with friends after release from prison, while others indicated continuation in their relationship with their friends.


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