Sources and Types of theatrical music

Document Type : Original Article


1 Spanish department, faculty of arts, Cairo university, giza, Egypt

2 Department of Spanish Language - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University


The music is a fundamental element in the play. The relationship established between music and theater is a mutual relationship. Each of the two arts can be evoked by the other. So the play reflects on the music and vice versa.
This research studies the interrelationship between theater and music, with a focus on music as an essential element and a major component in plays. The musical language has great contributions in any theatrical work. Music in the theater is not just a mixture of sounds, but there is always a dramatic meaning of the music, it plays an important role in enabling the audience to got the message around which the play revolves. So, the investigation intends to study the different types of music in the plays, such as music on the air, internal music, and ambient music. The study also investigates with the different sources of the musical element on stage, whether visible, invisible or recorded.


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