Analysis of the Musical Style in the Theater

Document Type : Original Article


Spanish department, faculty of arts, Cairo university, giza, Egypt


Many of theater works are linked to music. This research studies this music-drama interrelation in the dramaturgy, focusing on music as an integral element of the plays. The significant value of music is to underline, expand, develop and evoke eras, environments and situations. Furthermore, musical motifs accompany the entrances and exits of the characters. We propose to analyze the importance of the musical element in the plays, focusing on the three musical missions: transporting the spectator to the past, accompanying certain moments in the plot or the dramatic situation and also its autonomous role wherein the music itself is the protagonist.
The music tracks in any play are related with its spectacle. It can represent the feelings of the protagonist, the main dramatic ideas, the conflict, even the final outcome of the play. This music track must be clear and understood by the public. The musical work of the theatre has its determined musical style. To analyze this style, the fundamental structures of music should be investigated such as: rhythm, melody and harmony.


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