Dialog in the poetry of An-Nemr Ibn Tawlab

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Literature and Criticism, Department of Arabic Language - Al-Qunfudhah University College, Umm Al-Qura University.


This research aims to trace the two types of style of (monolog and dialog) in the poetry of An-Nimr Ibn Tawlab to get to a comprehensive viewpoint which defines the deepness of this seasoned poet and to what extent it has an impact on the technical and thematic form of his poetic writings. To clarify this, the study adopts the analytical approach. This approach is based on analysis, presentation, and merging between the technical and thematic aspects at the same time by careful investigation of the poetic samples included in the divan of the poet.
This research consists of an introduction which included a short bio of the poet (An-Nimr Ibn Tawlab). It sheds light on the value of the dialog in the structure of poetry, its parts, and its psychological and technical function. Then the research delves into two basic topics: first: dialog which is known to be the dialog with the other; i.e. persons, as the dialog of our poet with his blaming wife, his generosity, and how he spends and gives freely, and his dialog with his wife (Da'd) who is surprised by his fondness of her and yearning to her. The other topic is the monolog. It is the imagined monolog which is delivered by the character to itself, or what acts like the self; it is similar to the dialog between the ego monolog and the monolog of nature such as the dialog between our poet and his prey.


Main Subjects