The role of NGOs in consolidating the culture of dependency among the poor A field study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University - Shebin El-Kom


Poverty is a widespread social and economic phenomenon in the world, but it is distributed unequally among the different regions of the world, not only this, but also among the different regions within one country. The social, economic and political changes that have occurred in the world recently, have had a significant impact on the growing interest in the role played by civil institutions and organizations.
Accordingly, the study sought to identify the role of programs and services provided by civil society organizations in establishing a culture of dependency among the poor. The study relied on the social survey and case study methodologies, and used the interview questionnaire as a main tool for obtaining data as well as a case study guide. The results of the study revealed the reluctance of many of the poor to those organizations to obtain aid, and the results also showed the diversity of the characteristics of the sample among the poor, although the vast majority of beneficiaries are widows and divorced women and men who are unable to work for a variety of reasons. A group of specific names in each of them.


Main Subjects