Women Welfare in Classical Arabic Poetry: A Critical Perspective on Content and Image Construction

Document Type : Original Article


Qassim University


In this research, I looked at the content of women's luxury in ancient Arabic poetry, and the psychological and social dimensions it bears, then shed light on the artistic images that poets employed in order to show the luxury of women, and the patterns that revolve around them.
The cultural context, the social framework, and the common environment had an impact on the emergence of intertextuality in the poetic images of this description.
The study led to ways of intertextuality among poets, and sought to root the phenomenon of intertextuality, regarding the image of women's luxury, the reasons why poets used the same meanings, and the poetic lexicon.
It concluded on the role of Imru’ al-Qays in feeding images of women’s luxury, describing her laziness, her enjoyment, describing her softness, the tenderness of her skin and the abundance of her perfume, and his merit in presenting the contents that describe the luxury of women, the advantage of creating meanings and devouring her virgins, and his impact on poets after him. It affected the creative experience of poets, who received his experience by imitation and simulation. Which made them stay away from living in experience, and dealing with reality, so their images weakened, and came imitations, lacking innovation and creativity.


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