Violability of parsing signs in the Point of Optimality Theory


1 Yarmouk University-IRbid- Jordan- Faculty of Arts

2 Hashemite University


This research aims at addressing an important issue of grammar in light of one of the important theories, i.e the theory of preference which is an extension of the theory of transformation and development. This issue is concerned with parsing signs, which are handled by our research through one of their most important elements, the element of violation.
The research is concerned with a number of issues, the most important of which is the loss of short parsing vowels from the Arabic language, plus the sub-parsing signs , and the effect of this on grammar and optimality.

The study utilizes the descriptive analytic methodology. After the introduction, one of the issues that is discussed in this paper is the meaning of “optimality” which is not common in Arabic modern linguistics. The term “violation” in the optimality theory, was also clarified.

In addition to the restrictions upon Arabic language, the research problem, parsing signs, literature review, and other issues related to loss of the parsing signs in the Arabic language where also discussed.
The most prominent result of this study, among other results, is that the most important manifestations of “violation” of Arabic structures can be explained by historical reasons, similar to what occurred to other Semitic languages. The Arabic language was undergoing a disintegration and disposal of parsing, in the same manner as other Semitic languages. However, this disposal did not affect the linguistic structure itself, but it was a violation of the syntactical rule.


Main Subjects