Ethnic identity and the problem of recognition A study on a sample of generations of Nubian immigrants in Suez Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Suez University - Faculty of Arts - Department of Sociology


The current study aims to reveal the images and patterns of the struggle for the recognition of the Nubian identity among the generations of Nubian immigrants in Suez Governorate. The study relied on the descriptive, historical, and comparative approaches, using several tools (individual interviews, focus groups, and observation), where the study was conducted on a deliberate sample of twenty-three cases representing three generations. Field data were collected using an in-depth interview guide with individual cases, focus groups, and an observational guide. The study revealed a set of results, the most important of which are:
The first Nubians who fled to Suez were keen to have organizational ties that preserve their identity. And that the Nubian language and its future among the Nubians of Suez is not good state. The field study also revealed that there is a struggle going on in order to gain recognition of the identity of the Nubian community in Suez, and that struggle takes several paths. And that the process of conflict in which the Nubians of Suez became involved with the local community did not take place between the Nubians as individuals on the one hand and the local community on the other.


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