Abdullah Al-Nadim's political discourse A linguistic study in Interdiscursivity


arabic department, al alsun faculty, ain shams university


Political discourse is affected by the nature of the political life of society. the more crowded with events; it was rich in what deserves to be studied, and one of the characteristics of the richness of political discourse is its intertwining with religious, literary discourses.
This research is concerned with the study of “Interdiscursivity” in the political discourse of the orator of the Orabi revolution: Abdullah Al-Nadim, in which he spread his ideas expressing the suffering of the Egyptian people from colonialism and the oppression of Khedive Ismail, or expressing also his victories in various battles; Where the political life in Egypt was rippled with many events, and Al-Nadim’s dicourses came as a mirror for all its details; Due to his proximity to the people, and his movement between many places in Egypt, his disappearance period was ten years.
The study deals with " Interdiscursivity" in Abdullah Al-Nadim's political dicourses. It explains the reasons for the transition of religious and poetic discourse to political discourse, and has there been a change in the transmitted text? And what are the reasons for that? How did the context change after the two letters were braided? What is the reason for this change? This research answers these questions in light of the knowledge of the external context of the overlapping discourses.


Main Subjects