The stylistic features of the literature of the journey between the journeys of Ibn Battuta and Anis Mansour to the island of Ceylon


Arabic department, Faculty of Al- Alsun, Ain Shams University


This research studies the stylistic features for the language of the journey books, in the past and present. This is through a statement of the stylistic features of Ibn Battuta’s journey (1304-1377) to the island of Ceylon in his book “T0hifat Alnozaar fi Gharayib Al'amsar”, and the writer Anis Mansour’s journey (1924-2011) to the same island in his book “Hawl Al'Alam fi 200 Youm”. ; In order to show the evolution of the language of literature of the journey between the past and the present.
This study is a descriptive study that takes the approach of Leech and Short 1981,2007 to stylistic analysis as a theoretical framework for observing the stylistic features of the language of the journey in the two books.
Study Sections:
An introduction to it: a theoretical foundation for journey literature, its origins and flags, stylistic analysis and its most prominent approaches.
The first chapter: the stylistic features of the journey literature in the fourteenth century AD, and it contains:
- Ibn Battuta and his book “T0hifat Alnozaar fi Gharayib Al'amsar” (theoretical entry)
 Semantic features
Structural features
The second chapter: the stylistic features of the journey literature in the twentieth century AD, and it includes:
- Anis Mansour and his book "Hawl Al'Alam fi 200 Youm" (theoretical introduction)
 Semantic features
Structural features
The conclusion contains the results of the study.


Main Subjects