Looking to the future in Egyptian information institution :Analytical study of programs, plans and projects


جامعة القاهرة - کلية الآداب - قسم المکتبات و الوثائق وتقنية المعلومات


This study seeks to describe and analyze the programs, plans and projects prepared by the most prominent Egyptian information institutions for the future and to identify the extent to which they comply with the conditions to be met.
The study used the descriptive analytical approach and the content analysis approach, with reliance on several tools and means, including interviews with officials in charge of institutions, analysis of the content of written "programs, plans and projects", as well as an examination of the literature on the subject.
Among the most prominent results of the study is that the Department of Libraries, Archives and Information at Cairo University has presented several new study programs, including courses on future trends and also presented a new research plan, and there is no future strategic plan for the Egyptian Association for Libraries, Information and Archives. Also it has been found that the strategic plans of the libraries are very limited, yet they are general and unsystematic in preparation, as well as inaccurate implementation and review from time to time. Despite the availability of a few future projects, they did not succeed because they did not depend on support from important organizations. There is a need to pay attention to the information institutions to develop future strategic plans based on methodological foundations and to ensure that they are implemented efficiently while reviewing them from time to time if necessary.


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