Arts in Modern Social Thought: Philosophical Roots to Contemporary Theories -Analytical Perspective-


Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.


TThe article talks about the evolution of modern social thought on arts and culture, and it covers and tracks the early classical social theories of the early 20 century to the contemporary theories and concepts on arts and culture. The article also gives special attention to the philosophical origins (mega philosophies) that influenced classical social theory on the subject matter.

Methodologically, the article relies mainly on compiling and reviewing relevant literature, and the ‘subject’ was outlined under 3 main titles, each representing a historical period. The first and second titles cover the classical period of social thought on culture and arts, and the mega philosophies of the 17-19 century that influenced them. The third title covers contemporary social thought on arts and culture, represented by the work of six influential sociologists' that impacted the rise of a more complex and multi layered contemporary social theory, concepts and approaches on arts and culture.


Main Subjects