The Tree and the Woodcutter" Binary In Recent Arabic poetry A Structural Approach

Document Type : Original Article


جامعة الأميرة نورة بنت عبد الرحمن کلية الآداب قسم اللغة العربية


The aim of this research is to study "The Tree and the Woodcutter" binary according to selected models of recent Arabic poetry in a structural approach.
In addition, the research aims at impeding the aesthetic forms such as paradoxes, imaging, symbolism and intertextuality. It also highlights the personal, human and cosmic visions and connotations denoted in these aesthetic forms.
The research is conducted according to the structural approach that focuses on the aesthetics of literature, without approaching the external contexts that may affect the texts.
I found a wide use of this duality, which went beyond merely expressing nature to employing it in a smart way that tries to explain the universe, life, humans, and helps us understand it more. However, not directly, but by retaining the aesthetics of poetry that addresses the recipient more and more intelligently and makes them interact and be influenced by what they read from texts.
Poets have often transferred their experience from their subjective dimension to a deeper and more comprehensive human dimension, which indicates the depth of vision and the intricacy of the language.
With this duality, they expressed the conflict between life and death, embodied the image of dreadfulness in the human world, and tried to awaken spirit of peace, as they embodied the paradoxes in life, and other deep visions.


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