Lexical interference in Arabic dictionaries (Al-Mu'jam Al-Waseet as an example)

Document Type : Original Article


This research covers problems of lexical roots and vocabularies that affect the users of modern Arabic dictionaries. That's why the research tries to find the reasons behind these problems and how to solve them. This research is an analytical descriptive study for these reasons and the tries to solve these problems.
Al-Mu'jam Al-Waseet was chosen in the research because it's considered as the most famous and the best modern Arabic dictionary as it's released from a great organization for preservation of Arabic language which is Academy of the Arabic Language.
The research finds out that study of Arabic vocabularies cannot be determined only by their roots in old dictionaries, but it should contain four other studies which began with lexical renaissance .These four studies are linguistic differences, linguistic purism, Arabic dialects and properties of Arabic language. Ignoring these four studies will lead to deficiency in the study of vocabularies.
The interference of vocabularies comes from the morphological or the phonological aspects. The phonological aspect comes from the rapprochement of letter exits or defection in pronunciation of a phoneme due to its difficulty. On the other hand, the morphological aspect comes from confusion between different forms.


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