Crime and deviant behavior in Sociological Theory


Kuwait University


Countries all over the world suffer from many social and economic challenges because of the huge technological boom the world witnesses today, such as crime and deviant behavior, therefore, this study is aimed to present a comprehensive detailed view of crime and deviant behavior, in light of sociological perspectives such as: functionalism, symbolic interaction, and conflict to better understand crime and deviance.
Sociological perspectives are presented here, to demonstrate the importance of social variables in all their forms, for their importance in the field of youth education, especially in childhood stage, through which positive behavioral patterns are formed. These variables include family, school, mass media, residential neighborhood, and peer group, and the impact of these variables on crime and deviant behavior.
Also, the study provided a future vision of how to address crime and deviant behavior, through their relationship with economic factors and the role of contemporary technology in changing the nature of crime and deviant behavior in the future.


Main Subjects