The cultural component of life in the yeshiva and its reflections on the collection of short stories "My Short Stories" by "Nahum Mendel" A critical study of selected models

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Al Alsun, Ain Shams University


The Haredi community is characterized by voluntary isolation from the world around them, by living in their own colonies and cities, and by allocating a special education system that provides Talmud and Torah studies to male students among them, called “Yishvot: ישיבות”, which in turn has also moved into Israeli society. In addition to the existence of a minimum level of economic transactions with the outside world and work in jobs that secular Jews do not perform, such as religious services and the judicial system, in addition to the negative view of other religions and cultures, especially for non-Jews.
Hence, this research focused on the study of the short stories "My Short Stories: סיפורים קצרים שלי" and its analysis by one of the Haredi scholars in the yeshiva, the officer "Nahum Mendel: נחום מנדל" in the Israeli army, in which he graduated to reach the highest ranks, in order to find out what the mentality of An Israeli woman who lived in the midst of the Haredi community in Israel, and joined the Israeli army, which is rejected by the ultra-Orthodox Jew, because it serves as a way to distance him from studying the Torah and Talmud as the most important in the life of the Jew.


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