Discourse formations and unification of worlds An Interpretive Approach in the Poetry of Muhammad Al-Thubaithi and Ibrahim Saabi

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Jazan University


This study aims to read the poetry of Muhammad Al-Thubaiti and Ibrahim Soabi based on two hypotheses: The first is that the poems of Muhammad Al-Thubaiti and Ibrahim Soabi are organized by multiple isotropies which are accumulations of a semantic, phonological, structural and visual nucleus ... and the second is that these multiple isotropies produce, in parallel, multiple possible worlds of sterility and love. However, we can return them to one world which is praises to the God: The Creator... This is what makes the poetry of Muhammad Al-Thubaiti a space for dialogue and conflict on the level of the structure of the poem and even on the psychological, social and cultural levels ....this hypothesis leads to consider Ibrahim Soabi’s poetry an area to glorify the God: Praise be to the Creator.
Hence, verifying these two hypotheses requires first of all defining two basic concepts in this study: the concept of Isotopy and the concept of possible worlds…….


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