Parataxis in Chinese and Hypotaxis in Arabic


Arabic and Chinese belong to different language families. Arabic belongs to the Semitic language family, and Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family. From the perspective of language organization, the most important difference between Arabic and Chinese is the contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis. The "hypotaxis" in Arabic means to show the syntactic relationship by means of language forms, connecting the components in words or sentences to express the grammatical meaning and logical relationship. The "parataxis" in Chinese refers to the meaning of words or sentences. Or logical connection to complete the connection between them. This article mainly discusses the problems of Chinese "parataxis" and Arabic "hypotaxis". Chinese sentences mainly rely on "parataxis", and the sequence of time and place and the sequence of causality ensure the realization of meaning cohesion. Arabic sentences mainly rely on "hypotaxis". The correspondence of lexicality, number and case and the connection of sentences ensure the realization of tight structure.

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