Hyper-realism and Postmodern Textualism A Hermeneutic approach to the poetic experience of poets Moncef Al-Mezghni and Alaa Abdel-Hadi

Document Type : Original Article


The study deals with the term "hyper-realism", which is one of the terms that belong to the postmodernism stage in its manifestations bordering on a group of cognitive converges such as: (utopia - fantastique - the imagined), proving the assertion of the supremacy of the model or the deceptive image of reality in light of the absence of reality and  rebellion against it, and it begins to show the manifestations of the term by working on a text that belongs to the postmodern stage represented in a Hermeneutic reading of two experiences of two poets whose text is distinguished by the creation of a dominant imaginary space that highlights a dialectical duality between consciousness and the unconscious in an image characterized by magic and exoticism, the two poets: Munsif Al-Mezghni and Alaa Abdel-Hadi, and the study is based on highlighting the critical employment of the term through the text of the Epigrama and the visual poem

Main Subjects