Future perceptions of youth in Egyptian society A sociological study of self-vision between consciousness and practice • Introduction to the problematic of research

Document Type : Original Article


The main objective of this research is to analyze the future perceptions of youth in Egyptian society between awareness and practice In the context of rapid local and global changes, the current study deals with the category of Egyptian youth, in the light of sub-culture.Where our contemporary society has defined some social systems and arrangements that have contributed to the crystallization of young people as a modern social group, creating a special culture.

Objectives of the study
The present study aims at analyzing the perceptions of the Egyptian youth towards the future through his vision of the self and his practices for his societal role.

This general objective is reflected in a set of sub-goals
1-   Defining the youth's vision of their self and their social role.
2-   Measuring the level of awareness among youth on issues of society at the current stage.
3-   Analysis of the gap between consciousness and self-vision and realistic practice.
4-   Know the perceptions of youth towards the future role assigned to their performance in society.

Methodology of the study

1-    The present research is relying upon social survey using a sample
2-     Research Sample: Purposive Sample. In light of the research aim and questions, the study selects 150 Respondents. In addition, 10 in-depth interviews were held for various youth models
3-    Tools of Research: Questionnaire – Interview guide
4-    Method of analysis and interpretation: The study was based on a quantitative and qualitative method.


Main Subjects