Titling and Poetic Discourse

Document Type : Original Article


An inspirational title is a feat characterizing contemporary Arab modern poetry. It used to stand in the fore front of elements that matched the development of poetic semantics and aesthetics; so much so that it has become a significant element in textual structure showing trend, voicing semantics and emphasizing structural unity. The title is a sign of the poetic text, pointing to it, limiting it, documenting it and giving it meaning one way or the other. 
As such, a title could have different meanings. Some meanings signify the exterior, some refer to inter-textual references. At all events, a poetic title has different functions that exceed the four functions defined by Gerard Jenet as limiting, describing, implying and tempting. Hence, this center necessarily surges above the text at the level of structure, semantics and occasionally rhythm.
This study discusses the impact of the interactive relation between title and text in the light of " Two Ruk'aas of what I missed", an anthology by Alsaeed Abdulkareem, a poet with five anthologies famous for his artistic construction of the initial entry to his poetic texts. This renders the title a textual interpreter of the text in its glowing visions, an aesthetic front and a success of the inspirational function of the title.
The study focuses on three areas:

Title, textual sign
Title, contextual sign
Text in title context



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