A historical Study of Transformational Leadership Dimensions of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab


This study aimed to study the dimensions of transformational leadership (idealized influence (charisma), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration) at Omar bin al-Khattab. The study touched on describing the period of Omar’s succession, then demonstrated the concepts of transformational leadership and then touched on its dimensions and the different opinions about it and the factors affecting it, and then studying these dimensions at Omar. The study used the historical inductive approach to describe aspects of Omar's application of the dimensions of transformational leadership, and the study reached several results, including that Islamic history abounds with distinct leadership models such as Omar bin Al-Khattab, Islam has a great influence on Omar's personality, and that Omar applied the dimensions of transformational leadership during period wisdom. The study presents some of the proposals and suggestions, including Opening the educational leadership specialization in Islam within graduate programs, providing training programs for leaders to benefit from distinguished leaders in Islamic history, especially the Prophet and his successors, adopting diploma programs and long courses for leaders to study and understand the prophetic biography and the biography of the caliphs, make a study An analytical method of transformational leadership in the personality of King Salman, may God protect him, and a historical study to measure the transformational dimensions in other Islamic personalities.


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