The figure of the Romany in the vision of “Arar’s” poetry

Document Type : Original Article


This research project seeks to reveal the effect of the relation of the Romany on the poetry of the Jordanian poet Mustafa Wahbi Altal” Arar” due to the formation of his vision. Arar is a Jordanian poet known for his strong relationship with Romany society which he often references or alludes to in his poetry. This relation presents a remarkable feature in his biography, which obviously reflected on his poetry. If it is possible to explain this relation through Arar’s biography and his intellectual orientations, thus the effect of such relation will be more linked with his poetry. The researcher tries to examines Arar’s poetry in consideration to the poet’s relation with Romany in order to show its effect on Arar’s vision formation. This research seeks to highlight these references that are a driving force in the formation of Arar’s poetry. The paper begins with a general definition of Romany society by investigating the figure of “Romany” that appeared in Arar’s poetry since the nature of the Romany character is essential to understand Arar’s ideas.
This paper looks at two long poems in which the figure of the Romany clearly emerged in Arar’s writings. Because of the folk feature of Arar’s poetry, the research reveals the folk tools that shown in the poetic text in order to present and defend the poet’s vision. The researcher depends on a descriptive analytical perspective as research procedures.  The paper ultimately argues that the most prominent that Arar’s visions didn’t focus on the society of Romany itself, but helped to form his private vision toward life in general, the concept of home, and, subsequently, citizenship. This vision has been vastly communicated due to the folk tools of the poet.


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