Minister Rashid al-Din Fadlallah al-Hamdani through what the poet Hammam al-Din al-Tabrizi

Document Type : Original Article



            This paper aims to shed light on Minister Rashid al-Din Fadlallah al-Hamdani through what the poet Hammam al-Din al-Tabrizi wrote in his praise and description, and this minister is considered one of the most important ministers of the Ilkhani era. He began his career as a doctor in the royal palace, and he remained so until he became a minister of the Kingdom. Perhaps his efficiency in managing the country’s affairs is what qualified him to gain a prominent position among the men of the palace. Besides being a doctor and a minister, he left many traces and writings, most notably his book “The Collector of History.” Al-Rasheedi Quarter is one of the monuments indicating the height of this man. Who kept his position in the Ghazan and Oljaito squads. But his enemies told him, according to Sultan Abu Saeed, that he was the one who gave his father the medicine that was the cause of his death, so Rashid al-Din was sentenced to death and the judgment was executed in 718 AH.
            This study deals with the descriptions with which the poet Hammam al-Din described al-Wazir in terms of knowledge, generosity, reason and wisdom, and what he gained from a prominent position among the ministers of the Ilkhanate era, in a kingdom that included Iran, Iraq and Asia Minor, and its capital, Tabriz, the poet’s birthplace. He also used rhetoric and industry to demonstrate that, especially the art of metaphor and simile, using them in drawing the poetic image.
    The research used the analytical method for its suitability to the topic, by addressing the verses that the poet loaned in praise of the minister, analyzing them to indicate the contents they refer to, and then drawing conclusions from them at the end of the research in its conclusion.


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