The Role of Television Drama in Forming Youth Orientations Towards Work a Field Study for a Sample of University Students



The main objective of this study is to monitor the impact of television drama on shaping youth attitudes towards work and production. The researcher mainly relied on obtaining data and recording it on the measurement tool. The field study was applied at Mansoura University, which is located in the city of Mansoura, the administrative capital of the Dakahlia Governorate, and accordingly the researcher withdrew An intentional sample in the easy way, by applying the scale to all students of the four teams from the Faculties of Arts and Agriculture who agreed to the application process.
It can be said that this study concluded with three main conclusions, which are as follows:
1- The roles of television drama in shaping youth attitudes towards women’s work were all negative in nature.
2- The effect of television drama in shaping youth attitudes towards productive work is considered a negative impact, according to the estimates of the research sample, as all positive roles received low ratings. Accordingly, it can be said that television dramas carry negative messages in their contents that may have a serious impact on The long term in terms of its ability to change the values and behavioral trends of young people, especially with regard to work and production issues.
3- That TV drama plays a negative role on young people's attitudes towards work choices and preferences, such as: enticing young people to work in illegal fields, immigration, presenting unrealistic experiences and marketing them to acts of violence and bullying.


Main Subjects