Entitlements of the Jordanian Citizen''''s Confidence in the Government and Parliament


Department of Sociology and Social Work - College of Arts - Yarmouk University - Irbid - Jordan


This study aims to identify the Jordanian citizen''s confidence in the government and the parliament from the Exchange Theory perspective, through measuring the economic, social, political and legislative entitlements. The sample of the study consists of 1140 Jordanian citizens, aged over twenty years. The study was conducted between July, 2019 and October, 2020. The Study concluded that the Jordanian citizen’s confidence in the government was at an average level in all fields as the citizen believes that the government could reduce the loan deficiency, protect the labour market from exploitation, achieve equality between the two sexes, make education free for all, do what is right, successfully manage the state departments, draft laws and modify them, and exert pressure on the parliament to enact new legislations. Moreover, the study revealed that the Jordanian citizen’s confidence in the parliament was also at its average level in all fields as the citizen believes that the parliament could modify the civil service in the interest of the citizen, issue laws regulating the labour market to serve the community members welfares equally, legislate free education laws, exchange views with the government on the issues of the citizen, effectively perform an oversight role, and enact laws for the benefit of the citizens and the country. The study highlights the need for cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities in the interest of the citizen and the country, and consolidates the economic, social, political and legislative partnership with the civil community establishments.


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