Killing the father and the search for self-circles in the novel Bleeding the little bird of Qasim Tawfiq

Document Type : Original Article


 with the manifestations of the oedipus node in the novel "Bleeding the Little Bird of novelist Qasim Tawfiq, which was preoccupied with psychoanalysis. In literary work, reading and analyzing it from deep angles digs deep into the fictional character and stored in her consciousness, subconscious, and her attempts to achieve herself and her being. Nationality in its direct form stopping the killing of the father, who is one of the most important manifestations of the Oedipus complex. , And the destruction of the other, but the authority wants to evaluate the other as it deems to be an extended image of them, and conforming to its concepts, which drives the hero to get out of it, and kill him to kill his concepts and get out an attempt to self-emancipation.

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