The discourse of insanity in the novel Al-Asfouriya by Ghazi Al-Qusaibi - An Approach to Al-Hajjaj

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Literature and Modern Criticism Department of Arabic Language - College of Arts - King Saud University


This research aims to show the influence of Latin literature on English Argumentation is an important subject that is present in various approaches to scientific, humanitarian and cultural discourses. This is not only because it relies on reason, but also since it adopts the principles of dialogue, communication, persuasion and influence. There is a close relationship between narratives and argumentation. Narrative texts, whether they are novels, stories or tales, are hardly devoid of argumentative methods, which appears clearly as a means used by the characters to defend their cause, justify their behavior, or for the purpose of persuasion or otherwise. Hence, the interest in researching persuasive means and argumentative techniques in the discourses produced by writers in their literary works, and among them is the Saudi writer Ghazi Al-Qusaibi.
This research focuses on studying one of the mechanisms adopted by the author in the narrative structure of his novel (Al-Asfooria), namely madness, which may achieve this goal. It tackles the argumentation of the discourse of madness in the novel, and its effect on the narrative structure and its content, since it includes various argumentative elements. Which distance it frim the concept of madness in the traditional sense, to be a discourse of reason, and a means of revelation and freedom of opinion. Hence, the research commence to answer a central question: How can the discourse of madness be a rational discourse based on its argumentative structure?

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