The poor of the new cities Mechanisms for Reproducing Urban Poverty in Sixth of October City

Document Type : Original Article


Sociology teacher Faculty of Arts - Cairo University


The Egyptian state adopted the policy of new urban societies to try to exploit the available resources and open new horizons for urban development, and to solve the problems of increasing urban growth, particularly the problem of urban poverty, and the Egyptian government allocated huge investments to create new cities, which were already spent, and the sites of new cities were chosen, and their residential neighborhoods were planned dwellings were established, some schools and hospitals were opened, factories were established, and industrial cities attended a settlement of industries between heavy, medium and light. These investments in a poor country like Egypt would be acceptable if the new cities achieved the most important goals for which they were established, which is to reduce urban poverty, given that the policy of establishing new cities expresses one of the friendly policies to the poor through its ability to solve the problem of urban housing in its various dimensions, poverty, underdeveloped neighborhoods Unemployment, social deviation, unplanned physical extension. However, what the Egyptian reality observes is the opposite. Poverty rates increased, and a new form of poverty and deprivation appeared in these urban cities. For this reason, the current research seeks to identify the role of new cities in alleviating urban poverty, or has it contributed to creating a new image of poverty and the poor? What are the most important mechanisms for reproducing poverty in these cities, despite their better living conditions?

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