Research title) The social return of the solid waste recycling process in the Egyptian society A field study research aims


The study aims at a major objective which is:
Issess know the social return of solid waste recycling in the Egyptian society
Several sub-goals emanate from that goal, which are:assess the dollowing
- Nature of solid waste and how it is recycled.
- Official body overseeing the recycling system in the Egyptian society, the goal behind it, and the relationship it has with civil society.
- Official and informal agencies working in the field of recycling.
- Identify the Factors that prevent informal entities from joining the official recycling system.
-Social return of solid waste recycling.
- Obstacles that hinder the solid waste recycling system in Egypt.
Search questions
This study aims the sollowing queshions:
-What is the social return of the solid waste recycling process in the Egyptian society?
From that question, several sub-questions are divided into:
-What is meant by solid waste? How is it recycled?
-What are the authorities entrusted with recycling solid waste within the Egyptian community?
-Are there official and unofficial bodies working in the field of recycling?
-What are the objectives of each of them? What is its relationship with civil society? What is its role in community awareness?
-Why do not the official and non-official bodies operate within the framework of the overall recycling system within the Egyptian society?
-Is there a social return to the process of recycling solid waste in the Egyptian society?
- What are the obstacles that may prevent the continuation of the solid waste recycling system or may prevent the achievement of the goal behind it?
- What is the strategic vision for workers, experts and academics in the recycling system to achieve the maximum possible benefit from it within the Egyptian society?
Methodological procedures
Study type: Analytical descriptive.
Curriculum type: Case study.
- Where in-depth data will be collected on the solid waste recycling process and its official and unofficial bodies within the Egyptian community.
 - A case study will also be conducted on the Egyptian Solid Waste Recycling Company (ECARU).
The most important search results
-Solid waste is the waste of human activity, which is represented in municipal waste, agricultural waste, construction waste, sewage sludge and other wastes, which can be recycled from carrying out three consecutive operations: collection, sorting, and treatment with some chemical and physical materials and the use of some thermal and technological techniques And the technicality needed to make it happen.
-The Waste Management Regulatory Authority is the official agency entrusted by the state to manage the waste file in the Egyptian society, and it contains a group of experts and consultants, and its mission is to set legal, environmental, procedural and executive controls and support companies and factories that recycle waste and coordinate between them.
- The agency’s relationship with civil society is represented in the formation of advisory offices affiliated with Egyptian universities and research centers that are responsible for monitoring and distributing recycling operations in various parts of the Republic, as well as holding discussions, conferences and workshops in schools, universities and private associations to raise awareness of waste recycling and the return from it.
- The Egyptian Company for Solid Waste Recycling (ECARU): It is one of the largest companies in the Middle East specialized in managing projects for solid waste treatment and sanitary landfill management, and it is one of the bodies directly supervised by the Egyptian state through the Waste Management Regulatory Authority and it has supervised many Projects in many Egyptian governorates during the previous years.
- Entities that work in the field of recycling either as official bodies and are represented by some companies that contract with the Waste Management Regulatory Authority in addition to some of its affiliated factories, and those companies are licensed and the Agency has the authority to supervise them environmentally, healthily, technically and legally, and either informal bodies are represented in the two groups: Category The first is limited to collecting, separating and selling waste, and the second category runs unlicensed workshops in which it recycles using unhealthy tools and materials that negatively affect the health of individuals and their environment within the community.
- There is a social return to the process of recycling waste on the social environment of community members, but that return is, according to the sample members in the waste regulation system, in improving the quality of life in general and improving the mood, health and psychological state of community members, in addition to raising the awareness of community members about how to safely dispose of Of craps.
- There is also a social return on the economic environment, which is represented in increasing national income and achieving prosperity for members of society, providing many job opportunities, converting consumer groups into productive groups and forming a community partnership between various developmental sectors within society, providing hard currency, producing energy alternatives.
- In addition to the return on the natural environment represented in reducing food, air and water pollution to the lowest levels by reducing harmful gas emissions resulting from self-fires as well as reducing open landfills, improving soil quality and thus reducing the degree of food pollution, and maintaining the earth's temperature, which includes Preserving the biological diversity of living organisms and reducing the global warming process.
-Among the most important obstacles to the recycling process in Egyptian society is the low governmental support provided for recycling. This is because the government considers that recycling operations are part of the service projects that aim in the first place to get rid of waste and is not an investment project that generates a lot of money and works to improve the standard of living, poor awareness of the recycling process and thus the failure of community members to contribute positively to the success of the system. Those who prevent them from fully benefiting from the waste, and the existence of a major failure to achieve integration between government agencies represented in the fund and the private sector represented by the owners of companies, factories and sectors that consume recycled materials.
As for how to overcome the obstacles, they are as follows:
1- Providing government support and benefits to the owners of companies and factories operating in the field of recycling as well as the sectors that consume - for recycled materials, provided that that support and those advantages are varied, and that they have the freedom to choose between them. 2 - Activating the role of the media apparatus through its three means in educating citizens about recycling operations and the effects that accrue to them from behind them 3- Providing enlightened minds of specialists, academics, technicians and legal and opening new horizons for innovation in the field of recycling.
-The study also found, through an interview with some al-Nabashin, that their refusal to join the official system for recycling waste and their insistence on working outside the official framework is due from their point of view to obtaining a good income in contrast to the low incomes that they will obtain in the case of formal work, in addition to their fear of Taxes that may be imposed on them and legal prosecution for them, given that some of them are registered as dangerous with the Ministry of Interior.


Main Subjects