Between the lexicon of "loqat -e-furs" for Alasady Altousy and the lexicon of "Sahah'al-furs " for Alnakhgwany ( Lexical balance)

Document Type : Original Article


The Arabic study of the science of Persian lexicons is known for being less whether this study is related to the history of the appearance of the science of  Persian lexicons or development of the methods of classifying the Persian lexicons and being affected by of  the schools of classifying  different lexicons. This study is trying to clarify the development of Persian lexicons and it focuses revealing  the state of having the effect on or by these Persian lexicons in  relation to each other. This study depends on holing a lexical balance specifically between the lexicon " loqat-e-furs" for Alasady Altousy and the lexicon of "Sahah'al-furs " for Alnakhgwany as each of them belongs to the first stage in the history of the origin or the appearance of the Persian lexicon. In addition to that  those two lexicons are considered the real start or beginning of inventing  or making up the Persian lexicons in Iran in the historical and artistic state. Finally these  two lexicons are similar in the way of classifying and arranging the evidences related to them especially the poetical evidences included in them.
          This study  aims at defining the lexicon of the " loqat-e-furs "  for Alasady Altousy as well as the lexicon "Sahah'al-furs" for Alnakhgwany and revealing their most impartant characterstics and holing a lexical balance between the two lexicons according to the method of classifying which school they followed and the reasons for that to what extent they kept to the rules of the schools they selected and how  they defined and explained  vocabulary or words inside these two lexicons.
          This study depends on reaching the goals or aims according the method of analysis and balance  as this study explains the  two lexicons  and their lexical characteristics and it holds a balance between them.


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