The Naqāʾiḍ in Pre-Islamic Poetry BetweenQays bin al-Khaṭīm and ʻAbd Allāh bin Rawāḥah as a Verbal Duel.


Lecturer, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait


In this project, we study the poetic “duels” (i.e., naqāʾiḍ or counter-poems) between two pre-Islamic poets: Qays bin al-Khaṭīm from the tribe of al-Khazraj and ʻAbd Allāh bin Rawāḥah from the tribe of al-Aws. We investigate two poems by each poet using the Ward Parks concept of verbal dueling. Moreover, we attempt to analyze each poem and its counter-poem not merely as isolated texts, but as political speech that reflects the political agenda of each tribe. Therefore, this study tries to explore both poet’s view of their tribe’s political status and political relationship with its rival. Accordingly, we study each poem’s motifs and in light of the historical record of the war between the two tribes (i.e., al-Khazraj and al-Aws).  The research arrived at some new findings, among which that the poetry of naqāʾiḍ between the two poets reflected the political and social status of their tribes.

Main Subjects