Contextual Connotations of the Word "Fatigue" in Arabic Poetry From Pre- Islamic Era to Abbasid Era Historical Tracking


Associate Professor of Linguistics, Department of Arabic Language College of Arts and Sciences, Buraydah, Qassim University


This research interests in observing the connotations of the word of "Fatigue"  in its nominal and verbal formulations through its appearance in the Arabic poetry from the pre-Islamic era to the Abbasid era, based on the historical approach which concerned to study changing in a language words through time.
The five continuous connotations of the word "Fatigue" in the poetry of the eras of the study are: Tiredness, weakness, burden, lack of delicacy and humiliation, which form the features which construct the basic meaning of the word of "Fatigue". 
The word of "Fatigue" has a long list of words which come along with it, whereas the elements which  Fatigue may related to them, or may be denied of it into each connotation  were developed through times, as the combination extension of this word is very wide.
The twenty connotations of the words of "Fatigue" include a lot of the manifestations of affluence; such as the existence of dividable connotations in the connotation of “Ambiguity connotation” and “Excessiveness connotation”, as well as the existence of rich connotations; which sub- connotations furcate from them; depended on violating the rules of words selection to grant the word extra meanings exceed the close meanings of these vocabularies. 

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