Elusive Text Reading in a Text of Alraey Alnomairy

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of Literature and Criticism, Faculty of Arts South Valley University


The text is primarily a human text that searches for life, the life of the ruins, the peace that has passed away
With the happiness of man in every place and time, he is rewarded for his individuality, which has been trampled against his will.
By the power of the group, and that soul was left devoid of something there is a long-term, close feeling
It can only be obtained by hardships, but it is not all souls, for it is the sublime, sublime, luminous souls with what God has endowed them with.

It alone has an extraordinary ability to probe the depths of itself, which represents all selves in a clear creative experience
The impact on these individuals, as it was deeply affected by them before the moment the text was created.
The reading of the heritage text was according to the modernity of the vision, which was represented here in the analysis method.
The psychological aspect is imperative to ensure its continuity and to reveal in it universal human contents that are expanding in breadth.
The vision and its compatibility with the content and depth of the text, and there is no doubt that the ancient Arabic text represented a special model
The journey of poetic creativity throughout the human ages in expressing the human being of that ancient world
In that part of the land that carries a specificity that has a clear impact on everything that was launched there

From creativity, then expressing his existential, social and psychological problems, which converge at a point
A clear convergence with what stirs in the soul of his people at all times and places, which is what makes
From applying the new critical visions to the old text, trying to carry a lot of hope in
The response of the text to a critical mirror is accurate and appropriate to its nature.


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