Permissible linguistic uses outside the original in the book Al-Muqtadab Al-Mubarrad

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of grammar, morphology and presentations Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University


This research studies the permissible linguistic uses that are outside the original in
The brief book of the radiator, and these places are frequently repeated when the radiator is a clear representative
It is worthy of study, and it is related to the idea of ​​(original and secondary) in the language, which is the idea
Which grammarians were preoccupied with, and they worked on explaining them in grammatical phenomena, and what branched out from them;
There is the language that represents the origin that the grammarians set as a standard to be measured against for reasons
A different methodology, and there is the permissible that contradicts the original and deviates from it, but this
Going out does not detract from his health.
This research deals with the criteria of originality and secondaryness according to some ancient scholars.
And at the radiator in particular, as well as the permissible linguistic places that are outside the original in
Brief book.

Main Subjects