The partnership between the kindergarten teacher and the mothers in developing the social values of kindergarten child

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Basic Education


 Early childhood is one of the most important stages in building the personality of the human being, forming consciousness, guiding his behavior and shaping his values. The child is at this stage vulnerable to direction, formation and acquiring the characteristics of good citizenship that make him an active member of the future society. Twenty one. Values ​​The perceptions of the behavior of the child in life situations determine the terms of acceptance or rejection, which stem from the social experience and unite his personality, which is a common element in the formation of social construction and individual personality. A child is not born and has social values, but his social values ​​are shaped by the social norms of the society in which he lives. The kindergarten study aims at developing social values ​​and acquiring kindergarten children for these values. Therefore, the present study adopts a strategy to develop the role of kindergarten teacher and the role of mothers of children in the development of children's social values ​​and to find a mechanism for increasing children's values. The partnership between kindergarten teacher and mothers in the development of social values ​​of children in the pre-school stage.

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