Arabic-Turkish bilingual dictionaries in the modern era: a descriptive study of the dictionaries, and how they deal with the Arabic language through two selected models



College of Arts, Kuwait University


This research reviews the works of the Turkish scientists and their scholars in the Turkish-Arabic bilingual dictionaries, based on the Islamic cultural heritage common to the two civilizations.
     Where the Turkish language was influenced by Arabic, and Arabic was influenced by Turkish, but narrowly for cultural and religious considerations, over successive centuries.
     The Dictionary of the cultural programs that carried this great linguistic heritage between the two cultures; therefore, the study considered that in order to explore this legacy, two contemporary lexicographic models, the “Fono Dictionary” and the “Kanar” Dictionary", were studied for their quality and fame in scientific and cultural circles in Turkey.
     The research focuses on the advantages of these lexicons and the negative aspects of their material and methodology, which helps them to avoid these gaps in the coming editions of lexicographers, and also helps us to see the Arabic site in the lexical understanding of other peoples that deal with Arabic and its culture, especially in Islamic civilizations where we all have the same elements and common factors

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