Stylistic shifts in the modern traditional Arabic poem / a poem standing on a hill as a model



1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language, Yarmouk University

2 Assistant Professor at the Language Center, Yarmouk University


The modern traditional Arabic poem represents an extension of the traditional poem in a number of aspects
That made some critics deal with it in a similar way to the way they deal with poems
heritage, but in addition to that, it achieved great development in terms of artistic construction, and we found the poem
It wears a new suit, in which it adorns itself with a uniform that makes it a field for modern studies with its new curricula.
On the other hand, stylistics enriched during the twentieth century, and interacted with neighboring sciences.
Such as criticism, rhetoric, linguistics, semiotics, and pragmatics, and thus contributed to the discovery of
places of beauty, and new dimensions in the semantics of the poem; The veil reveals the meanings of the poem

This paper seeks to employ what stylistics brought in the modern era in revealing
On the multiple indications and aesthetic images in the modern traditional Arabic poem, and a group
The displacements and stylistic structures that made it full of meanings and connotations that the poet seeks to spread
within his poem. It takes from the poem "A Stand on a Talal" by the poet Mahmoud Ghoneim 1 as a model for the application.

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